• Electronic components in 5G radio communications

    5G connectivity means unprecedented levels of connection between devices on the "Internet of Things" - vehicles, robots, drones, household devices, and much more can all coordinate and communicate with each other at speeds never seen before. 5G radio communications hardware is a mix of analog, digital, RF, and power hardware and is usually an assembly of a variety of boards, packaged components, and interfaces.
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5G Telecommunication units

To support this vast infrastructure of connectivity, the latest 5G systems will need telecommunication units and boosters (or 5G Repeater Box units). Given the rugged environments these 5G telecommunication units will be placed in, continuous uptime requirements for their operation and reliability of the internal electronics is of the utmost importance. There are a variety of components, often passives, that can be readily added in key locations within a 5G communications system to enhance its reliability and mitigate sensitive subcircuits susceptibility to ESD, EMI, and EMP.

Electronic components help power wireless connectivity

High reliability electronics enhance 5G communications

This whitepaper discusses several of the engineering challenges associated with ensuring the reliability of a 5G radio link for automotive and industrial applications, as well as available electronic components and devices useful in achieving these new stringent reliability requirements.

Supercapacitors in 5G communication systems

Supercapacitors can store electrons in an extremely dense electric field. This allows supercapacitors to charge and discharge extremely quickly compared to conventional battery technologies, including lithium ion chemistries. Though supercapacitors aren’t as energy-dense as the latest battery technologies, they respond in milliseconds or less to changes in supply voltage conditions. 

ESD protection for 5G

Even the best PSU/power module may be subjected to voltage/current conditions at the grid connection that result in overvoltage or overcurrent conditions. These surges may even be carried on to the 5G subsystem boards through conductive enclosures or result in EMI that is conducted to subcircuits within the system. Hence, using circuit protection devices to protect the most susceptible parts of the 5G communication link circuitry is critical in ensuring 100% uptime and minimal system maintenance.

Power inductors for 5G voltage regulation

FP power inductors are compact surface mount components that can be placed near leads or terminals to sensitive components, such as FPGAs, ASICs, CPUs, and RF/analog components. For 5G systems in particular, FP power inductors provide voltage regulation and filtering of DC/DC conversion circuitry, providing voltage rails for various digital, analog, and RF circuits.

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