
Transformers are a series of products specially developed by Eaton, the professional transformer manufacturer. This series includes dry-type transformers and pad-mounted transformers and uses the leading technology in the United States, a fully enclosed and fully insulated design. The transformers can be used in common network applications, such as industrial parks, residential areas, commercial centers and China's rural areas. It can also be used where fire prevention is of paramount importance or in harsh or humid environments.

Eaton Dry-Type Transformer

Eaton's Dry-type Transformers are a new generation of reliable, safe, environment-friendly, and energy-saving high-tech transformers. They are particularly suitable for locations with high humidity or where fire-resistance is a high priority or loads fluctuate such as airports, high-rise buildings, densely populated areas, basements, cargo ships, offshore drilling platforms and nuclear power plants, etc.

Eaton Pad-Mounted Transformer

Pad-Mounted Transformers are some of the most widely used transformers in power distribution systems. Pad-mounted Transformers are completely enclosed, fully insulated, easy to install, maintenance-free and found in countless industrial parks, residential areas, commercial centers and high-rise buildings

Eaton Transformer Components

Pad-Mounted Transformer Components fit perfectly with Eaton pad-mounted transformers to provide customers with Eaton-manufactured comprehensive transformer solutions.