We make a healthy planet work.*

*Look around. Everything we touch, everything we do, everything we experience in our modern world is made possible by power. Mechanical power. Electrical power. Hydraulic power. For centuries, simply finding, generating and harnessing that power was one of humankind's greatest challenges. But today, the challenges that we face are even greater. 

At Eaton, we believe that we owe it to future generations to leave the world a little "greener." And the power to make that happen is in our hands. That means all of us, working together. 

As one of the world's leading global technology companies, Eaton is committed to positively impacting the environment while helping to solve the world's most pressing power management challenges. By giving people tools to use power more efficiently. Helping companies do business more sustainably. And by encouraging each and every employee at Eaton to think differently about our business, our communities—and the positive impact we can have on the world. 

This is what truly matters. And with dedication, smart thinking and new, innovative approaches to some really big problems, we can make it work.

Sustainability infographic thumbnail
See how Eaton is operating more efficiently and sustainably, while helping our customers do the same.

We make clear skies work.*

*The world gets smaller every day. People can travel across town in a matter of minutes—or be in an entirely different country in a few hours. Products purchased halfway around the globe can be on your table the very next day. But this mobility and connectedness comes with a cost. As the world’s population grows and its middle class continues to expand—traveling more, buying more, using more—the need for sustainable technologies becomes ever more urgent. 

At Eaton, we’re working with our customers around the world to help utilities, municipalities, businesses and everyday homeowners re-think the impact they have, and how to reduce it. Whether it’s using more energy-efficient products—or harnessing low carbon and renewable resources like solar, wind and hydroelectric power.

We’re also helping major industries lower emissions. Reducing aircraft weight, so planes fly lighter and use less fuel. Engine efficiency, hybridization and vehicle electrification. Enabling sustainable transportation, without sacrificing performance. 

And we’ve worked hard to improve our own emissions too—reducing the total GHGs generated by Eaton’s worldwide operations by 25.5%, or nearly 276,000 metric tons, since 2006. And we're not stopping there. We aim to reduce our total carbon emissions by 50% by the year 2030

I want to make sure that everyone is safe while they are flying. I take great pride in my work—and that Eaton’s products, processes and engineering make that possible.

Amanda, certified assembler, Aerospace Group

We make on-demand energy work.*

*We live in an energized world that depends on safe, reliable, always-on electricity. This ever-increasing demand for energy has a growing impact on climate change. As communities around the world look to maintain and modernize their aging utility infrastructure, and homeowners look to better manage and control energy costs, it's critical to find ways that we can help the grid to be more responsive, intelligent and efficient—while making the most of renewable resources. 

In Europe, Eaton teamed up with Nissan to bring innovative energy storage to homes, buildings, plants and grid operators. Imagine charging your home's storage batteries through solar panels or at night when utility rates are lower. Then when rates are high, or if the electricity suddenly goes out, that power is ready to use. 

This same idea is at the core of how Eaton is powering campuses and communities from North America to Africa and beyond. Safe, secure and reliable microgrids are helping hospitals remain resilient in the face of disaster—and keeping communities safe even when the grid goes down. 

Today, global climate collaboration like the 2015 Paris Agreement is signaling a monumental shift toward ecologically efficient technologies. Eaton innovations in on-demand energy—from energy inverters to full-scale microgrids—will certainly help pave the way.

When I tell people I work on solutions that may help avoid pollution and global warming, they’re very interested…and it motivates me to work even harder.

Fabrice, product line manager, Electrical Sector

We make sunnier skylines work.*

*Cities are on the rise. According to the U.N., for the first time in history more than half the world’s population lives in urban areas. This means that cities will play a critical role when it comes to climate action. From the utilities that power our homes to the offices and production lines where we work, Eaton is helping make cities smarter and more sustainable at every turn.

Whether it’s New York or Paris, Dubai or Shanghai, there’s nothing more iconic than the buildings that make up a city’s skyline. Because buildings consume 30 to 40 percent of the world’s energy, we need to find ways to help buildings use energy more wisely. 

Our wireless communication devices and lighting controls are designed to increase efficiency, flexibility and reduce costs. And our variable frequency drives that improve the efficiency of HVAC, material handling and other process applications. Eaton is helping buildings meet new energy efficiency standards and dramatically reduce energy use.

We’re doing our part as well. Across Eaton’s worldwide manufacturing sites and offices, we’re striving to create zero-waste-to-landfill-certified facilities, reduce carbon emissions and develop less impactful processes. Because the harder we work to build, manage and manufacture more efficiently—the better we can help our customers do the same.

If we are to preserve our planet, we need to start with small behaviors. If all the people on this planet try to do good, one small step per day, we really will make a difference.

Karim, plant manager, Electrical Sector

We make local action and global change work.*

*We're honored to be part of the global discussion around sustainability and climate change. The world is experiencing some of the most important secular growth trends of our lifetime — the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables — a change being driven by climate change — and the explosive rise of digitalization.

As a participant in the UN Global Compact, we’ve made a commitment with other companies around the world to continue to adopt sustainable and socially responsible practices. We have a vital role in our world because we create the products and services that help our customers — and their customers — manage and use power. 

At work, at home & at play

Power is a fundamental part of our everyday lives. That’s why we’re dedicated to improving people’s lives and the environment with power management technologies and services that are more safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable. Because that’s what really matters. And we’re here to make sure it works.