Transfer agent information

For specific questions about stock ownership held in registered form, change of address, dividend reinvestment plan, or direct deposit of dividends, please contact our transfer agent by mail, phone or website at:

Transfer Agent and Qualified Intermediary Name: Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc.

Address for both Transfer Agent and QI:
First Class / Registered Mail: P.O. Box 1342, Brentwood, NY 11717
Courier Packages: 1155 Long Avenue, Edgewood, NY 11717
Address for V2 forms for dividend withholding tax exemptions:
Globe Tax Services Inc., One New York Plaza – 34th Floor, New York, NY 10004-1936, USA, Attn: Irish Reclaims

Broadridge Phone Numbers:
Toll-free: 888-597-8625
Outside the U.S.: (303) 562-9631
TDD (hearing impaired inside the U.S.): 855-627-5080
TDD (hearing impaired outside the U.S.): 720-399-2074

To contact the prior transfer agent, please call Computershare at 800-426-5754
