Certifications and compliances

Stabex Mini models:

  • EC-Type Examination Certificate: PTB 98 ATEX 2061
  • Marking accd. to 94/9/EC: Ex II 2 G Ex e ib IIC T4 Gb
  • Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU: Ex II 2 G Ex e ib IIC T4 Gb
  • Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529: IP65

Stabex Mini LED models:

  • EC-Type Examination Certificate: BVS 08 ATEX E 158
  • IECEx Certificate of Conformity: IECEx BVS 11.0001
  • Marking accd. to 94/9/EC: Ex II 2 G Ex e ib IIC T4 / Ex II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T85°C
  • Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU: Ex II 2 G Ex e ib IIC T4 / Ex II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T85°C
  • Marking accd. to IECEx: Ex ib IIC T4 Gb; Ex tb IIlC T85°C Db IP66
  • Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529: IP66

Stabex HF models:

  • EC-Type Examination Certificate: BVS 11 ATEX E 174
  • IECEx Certificate of Conformity: IECEx BVS 14.0072
  • Marking accd. to IECEx: Ex e ib IIC T4 / Ex tD A21 IP65 T57°C
  • Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529: IP65

Stabex HF LED models:

  • EC-Type Examination Certificate: BVS 11 ATEX E 174
  • IECEx Certificate of Conformity: IECEx BVS 14.0072
  • Marking accd. to 94/9/EC: Ex II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga; Ex II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db
  • Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU: Ex II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga; Ex II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db
  • Marking accd. to IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4 Ga / Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db
  • Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529: IP65

Stabceag 0 models:

  • EC-Type Examination Certificate: BVS 13 ATEX E 021 X
  • IECEx Certificate of Conformity: IECEx BVS 13.0034X
  • Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU: Ex II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga; Ex II 2 D Ex ib IIIC T105°C Db IP68
  • Marking accd. to IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4 Ga / Ex ib IIIC T105°C Db IP68
  • Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529: IP68

Design features

  • Single-handed operation, even with work gloves
  • High degree of protection: IP65; IP66; IP68
  • Light cone can be focused (all models except Stabex Mini and HF-LED)
  • Halogen lamp (Stabex HF model only)
  • LED technology (available with Stabex Mini LED, Stabex HF LED and Stabceag 0 models only)
  • Stabceag 0 model is suitable as a helmet light
  • Scratchproof mineral glass

Standard materials

  • Enclosure – polycarbonate, aluminum, polyamide or plastic (depending on model)
  • Light aperture – mineral glass

Ordering information

For ordering information, please use the link below to visit the resources page for this product family and look under "Catalogs" or "Brochures".
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