Submittal builder instructions

The initial screen will show 0 results.  Follow the instructions below to filter and
download submittals.

  1. Use filters to left to select available submittals (Note: click "view more"
    to see additional filters within filter groups)
  2. Use the <  > buttons to scroll left and right to view all column / row
  3. Click "load more" button to view more options
  4. Green "+" to add / red "x" to remove submittals
  5. To preview or rearrange submittals, click "View Submittal Package"  
  6. Use up and down arrows to drag and drop submittals to rearrange order
  7. Click "All Results" to exit preview or to add more submittal options
  8. To download, click “Download Package”
  9. Select email or download to access package  

Downloads will include all requested items in a concatenated PDF document. 
Email includes a link to download package within 24 hours.

For 2D or 3D CAD and other software options, visit the B-Line series CoSPEC specifier tool
If you need additional assistance, please contact us.

Video demonstration

B-Line series submittal builder video instructions

Ensure your computer audio is on and turned up to listen to the video.