Skåne University Hospital

Designed for patient safety

Location: Malmö, Sweden

Segment: Healthcare Problem: Protection of the hospital buildings´ security infrastructure and lifesaving critical care equipment from 24/7 power interruptions.

Solution: Since 2004, a selection of Eaton UPSs protect the quality of electricity in the hospital´s buildings and IT infrastructure. The recent delivery consisted of parallel Eaton 9390 systems for the hospital´s new Emergency and Infectious Diseases building.

Results: Eaton´s power quality solutions contribute to maintaining the hospital´s vital functions.

On a regular day we have 400 patients visit our emergency departments and an average of 1,750 inpatients – 190 surgeries are performed, 25 children are born and 900 X-ray diagnoses are performed. We simply cannot compromise the safety of our patients.

Patrik Lundström, communications manager, Skåne University Hospital


With history dating back to 1896 and now spread over 60 buildings, Skåne University Hospital in Malmö, Sweden, specialises in emergency medicine and works tirelessly to protect its patients’ lives. 


The hospital infrastructure plays its vital role in the background. If a single component does not work as it should, the entire operation will fail to function properly. “Power interruptions in hospitals have a huge impact on patient and staff safety. In addition to life-saving critical care equipment in our operating theatres, we need to be sure the buildings’ security infrastructure functions 24/7. That includes emergency lighting, fire and burglar alarms, our IT infrastructure – including electronic patient records and appointment systems – and more, making it a critical part of the hospital’s everyday life.The role of a high-quality, uninterrupted power supply in the hospital infrastructure cannot be overemphasised,” Lundström says.


Eaton’s power quality solutions contribute to maintaining the hospital’s vital functions. Since 2004, Eaton has delivered its UPS systems to different sections of the hospital complex, including the women’s clinic and the hospital’s many operating theatres and intensive care units. There a selection of Eaton’s 130, 120 and 60 kVA UPS systems – along with smaller Eaton UPSs of 1000– 6000 VA – that protect emergency lighting, alarm systems and computer equipment. 



“We appreciate the high quality of Eaton’s products, which incorporate the latest technologies. It is definitely a big plus for us that Eaton manufactures its own products,” says Mikael Lajer, production manager, electricity, at Skåne University Hospital. “Also, having the support of a local service organisation with 24-hour service is a great advantage. We need to be able to rely on our partners and Eaton has certainly earned our confidence over the years.”


Skåne University Hospital (SUS) in a nutshell

  • Third largest of Sweden’s university hospitals with 12,500 employees and a history dating back to 1896
  • Founded 1 January 2010, by merging the university hospitals of Lund and Malmö into one legal unit
  • 1.7 million people live in the hospital’s operational area in the Skåne region in southern Sweden
  • Consists of more than 60 buildings in several blocks
  • The UPS solutions protecting security and IT infrastructure include parallel system Eaton 9390 160 kVA, 9340 130 kVA, 9390 120 kVA, 9390 60 kVA and a selection of Eaton 9120 UPSs 1000 – 6000 VA



Eaton 9390 160 kVA UPS
Eaton 9120 6000 VA