Utility-scale solar power

Simplify grid connectivity while meeting sustainability and regulatory requirements with help from our product, service and support teams. 

Comply with energy regulations while ensuring grid stability

Providing safe, reliable and affordable energy is no longer enough. Now utilities must navigate changing regulations to design and update systems to meet mandated DER integration goals, as well as support economic development and job creation initiatives. The challenges that come with the changing power landscape are putting a strain on the current utility business model. But as the global shift toward the use of distributed energy resources moves forward, solar has become more cost-competitive and offers significant benefits for utilities to decarbonize and better manage bi-directional energy flow. 

Optimizing utility-scale solar operations today and for the future

Grid connectivity, energy storage requirements and the need for more robust cybersecurity measures mean that utility-scale solar projects are becoming more complex. With more than 100 years of power management expertise, we can help you navigate changes in regulations to future-proof your grid infrastructure, maximize your uptime and energy production, and optimize energy storage all while protecting your investment, people and the environment. From AC recombiners and medium-voltage transformers to grid connection switchgear and cable management systems, we provide a complete balance of electrical system solution from panel to grid. 

Maximize your energy harvest and your investment

See how our AC collection systems for string inverter projects can provide easy installation, labor savings and lower the total cost of your investment. 

Eaton powers Kentucky’s largest solar installation

In collaboration with the local utility, see how we designed a complete end-to-end solar power collection and distribution package to advance sustainability and energy security efforts for a U.S. military base.

Featured products and services

Click on the product below or visit the Product Finder to explore our utility-scale solar power solutions. 

Medium voltage switchgear
switchboard-prlxd-right-500x500 20POYlogo.jpg
Cable ladder KSA splice plate
Cable management
AR VFI with POY logo
Solar/energy storage transformers
Microgrid distributed energy systems
Circuit protection