We make great meals work.*

*Few things are as important, or as enjoyable, as a good meal. Food brings us together, keeps us powered throughout the day and it's one of our most common bonds. In fact, human civilization traces its very origins to food, as individuals banded together to help keep each other fed in a safe, efficient and predictable way.

Today, it's really no different. In any given country, you'll find that nearly half the population works in agriculture-related jobs, with millions more in food-related services. Helping to keep the world fed is a big part of what we do, too. From the field to the refrigerated truck, the market to the kitchen counter, you'll find Eaton innovations hard at work. Because we know that every meal truly matters, and that's why we make sure it works.

We make fresh-from-the-fields work.*

*No matter where you sit down to eat, getting fruits and vegetables to the table starts on farms that stretch to just about every corner of the globe. Every year, improvements in farming and agriculture continue to advance food production, helping enable diverse products to be harvested more efficiently, travel farther than ever before and result in lower prices for consumers to enjoy.

On the farm and in the field, you'll find Eaton helping to increase productivity and improve the farming cycle. Whether it's ensuring precision and accuracy during the irrigation process, or providing safe, reliable backup power, we help make modern farming possible.

We make cool and crisp work.*

*After months spent soaking up the sunshine, the trip from the field to the market, the distribution center or the processing plant is a critical one. Thanks to today's technology, your next meal might travel around the corner or across the ocean. Amazingly, each one probably tastes equally delicious. Flash-freezing and reliable refrigeration have revolutionized not just the way we eat, but also the way we live. 

Refrigerated trucks and highly coordinated distribution are a huge part of what makes it possible for us to enjoy such a rich variety of foods. Eaton innovations keep products cool on the road—with reliable circuit protection and advanced technology like variable frequency drives for HVAC refrigeration units, as well as the clutches, valves and transmissions that keep the trucks themselves running smoothly and efficiently. 

I’m proud of how Eaton contributes to people’s everyday living. Improving processing, production and transportation of agricultural products enables people to enjoy timely, fresh and nutritious meals.

Haibin, product line manager, Electrical Sector, Asia Pacific

We make from source to shelf work.*

*While "farm to table" is a big culinary trend, the vast majority of the food and beverages we enjoy must be carefully processed. Much of the world benefits from the exponential increase in food safety, consistency and quality that industrial processing makes possible. The beverage industry exemplifies the ultimate in precision processing—where ultra-clean environments and tight process controls are at the heart of what makes brewing beer and distilling spirits possible.

Whether it's beer and wine, vegetables or baked goods, oils or ingredients, Eaton is on the production line that puts your meals on the table. We help manufacturers save money in electric, water and processing systems—with filtration products designed and built to the latest, most exacting industry standards. And our machinery and facility electrical power management designs improve efficiency and safety, for industry personnel as well as end consumers.

Producing quality food and beverages is both a rational and emotional process. I’m proud Eaton helps get the best taste from raw materials, and ensures high quality all along the value chain.

Uta, marketing manager, filtration business, EMEA

Our stories: How Petra makes what matters work

Making what matters work could not happen without the dedication of our employees. And it takes precise testing and analysis to produce the best wines, beers and spirits. Here from one of our own filtration laboratory managers to learn how.

From the farm to the truck to the shelf to your table

Power is a fundamental part of making just about every meal we enjoy possible. That’s why we’re dedicated to improving people’s lives and the environment with power management technologies and services that are more safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable. Because that’s what really matters. And we’re here to make sure it works.